General Pass

3-Day Conference Pass
30+ International & Local Speakers
Fully Catered
Networking App
Panel Discussions
Post Day 1 Drinks
CMC Wrap Party!
Buy now
$ 950.00 USD

VIP Pass

Everything in the General Pass +

Speakers Cocktail Party
Speaker Mentoring Opportunities
VIP Area at the After Party
Buy now
$ 1,200.00 USD

Student Pass

3-Day Conference Pass
30+ International & Local Speakers
Fully Catered
Panel Discussions

*Must show proof of enrolment

Buy now
$ 350.00 USD

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What is Houston Tech Week?

In simple terms, Houston Tech Week is a week long of events that displays the latest information and resources on tech in the city of Houston. There will be different events every day of the week where the everyday person will be able to learn and gather resources on tech. The Goal is to STEM the City and to help the everyday person to be confident in new tech!

Is Houston Tech Week Free to attend?

Most of the event & resources during Houston Tech Week will be FREE & Open to the public. There will also be some events that will require ticket purchasing. The type of event will determine that factor. See our schedule to know which ones are or aren't.

Where will Houston Tech Week Be?

Houston Tech Week will be in various places around our wonderful city of Houston. Most of the events will be in the midtown area. See our schedule for exact locations of specific events.

Who is organizing Houston Tech Week?

The Clever Group and Popmantra are the main organizers of Houston Tech Week, along with many other community partners and sponsors that are putting on events during the week.

I Want to Host an Event, What Do I Do?

We would love for your event to be in our line up! The more the merrier! If you'd like to host an event during Houston Tech Week, please email us at

How Can My Company Be a Partner in this?

We would love your partnership on this event! The Clever Group & Popmantra have done what they can in regards to resources but the more partners we can get involved the better we can make this something great for the citizens of Houston and the more that we can keep the events FREE!

If you would like to join us in STEM-ing the city, Please contact us via email at We can't wait to partner with you!

Can I Volunteer to Help during Houston Tech Week?

Absolutely! We would love your help! We will be putting out a call for volunteers closer to the time of the week. Sign up for our newsletter to make sure to get that information first! If you have any other questions, you can contact us.